Are you embarking on a plumbing project that involves working with PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) tubing? If so, you may find yourself asking the question, "What tool do you use to crimp PEX?" Well, look no further because in this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of PEX crimping tools and equip you with all the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

PEX tubing has gained immense popularity in plumbing applications due to its flexibility, durability, and ease of installation. When it comes to creating secure and leak-free connections between PEX tubing and fittings, crimping is the preferred method. But using the right tool for the job is crucial to ensure reliable and long-lasting connections.

In this article, we will delve into the different types of PEX crimping tools available, factors to consider when choosing the right tool, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to crimp PEX tubing. So, let's get started and unravel the mysteries of PEX crimping!

5 Best pex crimp tools in 2022. Watch this amazing video.

Understanding PEX Crimping

Before we dive into the world of PEX crimping tools, it's important to have a basic understanding of the crimping process itself. PEX crimping involves using a specialized tool to compress a metal ring (known as a crimp ring or cinch clamp) around the PEX tubing and fitting, creating a secure connection.

The crimp ring, made of copper or stainless steel, applies uniform pressure on the PEX tubing and forms a watertight seal between the tubing and the fitting. This method of connection ensures reliability and prevents leaks, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial plumbing projects.

Importance of Using the Right Tool

When it comes to PEX crimping, using the right tool is of paramount importance. A high-quality and suitable tool will not only make the crimping process efficient but also ensure proper compression and a tight seal. On the other hand, using a substandard or incompatible tool may result in weak connections, leaks, and even plumbing failures.

The right PEX crimping tool should provide sufficient force to compress the crimp ring evenly and securely. It should also be easy to handle, allowing you to maneuver in tight spaces without compromising the quality of the connection. Additionally, choosing a tool from a reputable manufacturer will ensure durability and reliability, saving you time and money in the long run.

A pex cramper cramped onto a pipe
A pex cramper cramped onto a pipe

Understanding PEX Crimping

PEX crimping is a widely used method for connecting PEX tubing and fittings in plumbing applications. It offers a reliable and secure connection, ensuring leak-free plumbing systems. To understand the crimping process better, let's take a closer look at the key components involved:

PEX Tubing

PEX tubing is a flexible and durable piping material made from cross-linked polyethylene. It is commonly used in residential and commercial plumbing systems due to its resistance to corrosion, scaling, and freezing. PEX tubing comes in various sizes, allowing for versatile installation options.

Crimp Ring (Cinch Clamp)

The crimp ring, also known as a cinch clamp, is a metal ring that plays a vital role in the crimping process. It is typically made of copper or stainless steel and is available in different sizes corresponding to the diameter of the PEX tubing. The crimp ring is placed over the PEX tubing and fitting before the crimping tool is used.

Crimping Tool

The crimping tool is the essential tool used to create the connection between the PEX tubing and fitting. It applies pressure to the crimp ring, compressing it tightly around the PEX tubing and creating a secure seal. A proper crimping tool ensures consistent compression, resulting in a reliable connection.

Crimping Process

To crimp PEX tubing, the process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Cut the PEX tubing to the desired length using a suitable cutting tool.
  2. Slide the crimp ring onto the tubing.
  3. Insert the fitting into the end of the tubing, ensuring it goes all the way in.
  4. Position the crimping tool over the crimp ring, aligning it correctly.
  5. Squeeze the handles of the crimping tool to apply pressure and compress the crimp ring onto the tubing and fitting.
  6. Release the handles of the crimping tool and inspect the connection for proper compression.

It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for the specific crimping tool and PEX system being used. Proper installation techniques and ensuring the correct size of crimp ring and tool are used are essential for achieving secure and leak-free connections.

By understanding the crimping process and the components involved, you can proceed to explore the various types of PEX crimping tools available. In the next section, we will discuss the different types of PEX crimping tools, their features, and advantages, helping you make an informed choice for your plumbing projects.

Four different Pex crimping tools
Four different Pex crimping tools

Importance of Using the Right Tool

When it comes to PEX crimping, using the right tool is of utmost importance. Here are some key reasons why using the correct tool is crucial for successful and reliable PEX connections:

1. Proper Compression:

The right PEX crimping tool ensures proper compression of the crimp ring onto the PEX tubing and fitting. Insufficient compression can result in weak connections, leading to leaks and potential plumbing failures. On the other hand, excessive compression can damage the PEX tubing or fitting, compromising the integrity of the connection. A suitable tool will provide the necessary force to achieve uniform and secure compression.

2. Leak Prevention:

Reliable and leak-free connections are essential in plumbing systems. Using the right crimping tool, designed specifically for PEX connections, significantly reduces the risk of leaks. The tool's ability to apply consistent pressure ensures a tight seal, preventing water or gas leaks that can cause damage to the surrounding area and increase maintenance costs.

3. Efficiency and Time Savings:

An appropriate crimping tool enhances the efficiency of the installation process. It allows for quick and accurate crimping, reducing the time required for each connection. Additionally, a tool that is comfortable to handle and maneuverable in tight spaces increases productivity and minimizes fatigue for the installer.

4. Compatibility:

Different PEX systems may require specific crimping tools. Using the correct tool ensures compatibility with the PEX tubing and fittings being used. Manufacturers often provide recommendations and guidelines regarding compatible tools for their systems. Adhering to these recommendations ensures optimal performance and longevity of the plumbing system.

5. Durability and Reliability:

Investing in a high-quality crimping tool from a reputable manufacturer guarantees durability and reliability. Such tools are designed to withstand the rigors of repetitive crimping tasks, ensuring consistent performance over time. Using a reliable tool minimizes the risk of tool failure during the crimping process, reducing the need for rework and potential system downtime.

6. Compliance with Standards:

Using the right crimping tool helps ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Plumbing codes often specify the appropriate methods and tools for PEX installations. By using the recommended tool, you can be confident that your plumbing work meets the necessary requirements and is in line with industry best practices.

Right tools for pex crimping
Right tools for pex crimping

Different Types of PEX Crimping Tools

When it comes to PEX crimping, there are several types of tools available in the market. Let's explore the different options and their unique features:

4.1. Manual PEX Crimping Tools

Manual PEX crimping tools are the traditional and most commonly used type of crimping tool. They are handheld tools that rely on manual force to compress the crimp ring onto the PEX tubing and fitting. These tools typically feature long handles for better leverage and come in various sizes to accommodate different PEX tubing diameters. Manual crimping tools are known for their affordability, simplicity, and ease of use. They are suitable for small to medium-sized plumbing projects and are preferred by DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike.

4.2. Hydraulic PEX Crimping Tools

Hydraulic PEX crimping tools are powered by hydraulic pressure, making the crimping process more efficient and less labor-intensive. These tools utilize a hydraulic mechanism to generate the necessary force for crimping. Hydraulic crimping tools offer increased compression force, resulting in secure and consistent connections. They are ideal for larger plumbing projects or situations where a high volume of connections needs to be made. Although hydraulic tools tend to be more expensive than manual tools, they offer improved efficiency and precision.

4.3. Battery-Powered PEX Crimping Tools

Battery-powered PEX crimping tools provide the convenience of cordless operation, eliminating the need for manual force or hydraulic pressure. These tools are equipped with rechargeable batteries and motorized mechanisms that generate the required crimping force. Battery-powered crimping tools offer portability and ease of use, allowing for increased maneuverability in tight spaces. They are suitable for both small and large-scale plumbing projects, providing efficient and reliable crimping without the need for physical exertion.

4.4. PEX Crimping Tool Kits

PEX crimping tool kits typically include a combination of crimping tools and accessories necessary for various crimping tasks. These kits are designed to provide a comprehensive solution for PEX crimping, offering versatility and convenience. A typical kit may include multiple sizes of crimping tools, interchangeable jaws for different PEX tubing diameters, deburring tools, and carrying cases for storage and transportation. Crimping tool kits are an excellent choice for professionals or individuals who require flexibility and a range of crimping options.

When selecting a PEX crimping tool, it's essential to consider factors such as the scale of the project, budget, desired level of convenience, and personal preferences. Each type of crimping tool offers its own set of advantages, so choosing the right one depends on your specific requirements. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations regarding tool compatibility and usage to ensure optimal performance and reliable connections.

Six types of crimping tools
Six types of crimping tools

Factors to Consider When Choosing a PEX Crimping Tool

When selecting a PEX crimping tool, several factors should be taken into consideration to ensure you choose the right tool for your specific needs. Here are some essential factors to consider:

5.1. Size Compatibility

One of the crucial factors to consider is size compatibility. Ensure that the crimping tool you choose is compatible with the PEX tubing size you will be working with. Different tools are designed to accommodate specific PEX tubing diameters, such as 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, or 1 inch. Verify that the tool you select can effectively crimp the size of PEX tubing required for your plumbing project.

5.2. Durability and Quality

Durability and quality are essential considerations to ensure long-term reliability and performance of the crimping tool. Look for a tool made from high-quality materials that can withstand frequent use and provide consistent results. Tools made from sturdy materials like stainless steel or high-strength alloys tend to be more durable. Reading customer reviews and selecting tools from reputable manufacturers can help gauge the overall quality and durability of the tool.

5.3. Ease of Use

Consider the ease of use of the crimping tool, especially if you anticipate working in tight or hard-to-reach spaces. Look for tools with ergonomic designs and comfortable handles to minimize fatigue during extended use. Tools with features like ratcheting mechanisms or quick-release functionality can also enhance ease of use, allowing for efficient crimping with minimal effort.

5.4. Cost

Cost is an important factor to consider when selecting a crimping tool. Set a budget that aligns with your requirements and project scale. Manual crimping tools are generally more affordable, while hydraulic or battery-powered tools tend to be pricier. Consider the value the tool provides in terms of its features, durability, and efficiency. Remember that investing in a high-quality tool may offer better long-term performance and cost savings compared to cheaper alternatives.

5.5. Additional Features

Some crimping tools offer additional features that can enhance their usability and versatility. These features may include built-in gauges or adjustment mechanisms for achieving precise crimping pressure, interchangeable jaws for accommodating different PEX tubing sizes, or integrated deburring tools for preparing the tubing ends. Assess the specific features offered by different tools and determine which ones align with your project requirements and preferences.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and select a PEX crimping tool that suits your needs and ensures reliable and secure connections. It's important to remember that following the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for the specific tool and PEX system you are using is essential for achieving optimal results.

easy to use crimping tools on the table
easy to use crimping tools on the table

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Crimp PEX Tubing

Crimping PEX tubing is a straightforward process when you have the right tools and follow the correct steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you crimp PEX tubing effectively:

6.1. Gather the Necessary Materials

Before starting the crimping process, gather all the necessary materials and tools. This includes PEX tubing, crimp rings, fittings, a measuring tape, a PEX cutting tool, and the appropriate crimping tool based on the size of your PEX tubing.

6.2. Measure and Cut PEX Tubing

Measure the required length of PEX tubing for your plumbing project using a measuring tape. Use a PEX cutting tool to make a clean, square cut at the measured point. Ensure the tubing end is free from any burrs or debris.

6.3. Slide the Crimp Ring onto the Tubing

Slide a crimp ring onto the end of the PEX tubing. Make sure the crimp ring is positioned close to the end, allowing space for the fitting to be inserted.

6.4. Insert the Fitting into the Tubing

Insert the fitting into the open end of the PEX tubing until it reaches the marked insertion point. Ensure the fitting is fully inserted, creating a tight connection.

6.5. Position the Crimping Tool

Position the crimping tool over the crimp ring, aligning it correctly. Ensure the jaws of the tool are centered over the crimp ring and that the tool is perpendicular to the tubing.

6.6. Crimp the Ring onto the Tubing

Squeeze the handles of the crimping tool firmly and completely to compress the crimp ring onto the PEX tubing. Apply steady pressure until the tool handles are fully closed.

6.7. Inspect the Connection

Release the handles of the crimping tool to remove it from the crimped ring. Inspect the crimped connection to ensure it is properly compressed. The crimp ring should be visibly deformed around the tubing, providing a secure and leak-free connection.

Repeat the above steps for each PEX connection required in your plumbing system. Remember to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations specific to your crimping tool and PEX system.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can confidently crimp PEX tubing and create reliable connections for your plumbing project.

A crimping tool and Ethernet cable on the table
A crimping tool and Ethernet cable on the table

Tips and Best Practices for PEX Crimping

To ensure successful and reliable PEX crimping, it's important to follow some essential tips and best practices. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

7.1. Ensure Proper Pipe Preparation

Before crimping PEX tubing, ensure proper pipe preparation. Use a PEX cutting tool to make clean, square cuts on the tubing ends. Remove any burrs or rough edges using a deburring tool or a utility knife. Properly preparing the pipe ensures a smooth insertion of fittings and prevents potential leaks.

7.2. Use the Correct Crimping Method

Different crimping methods may be used depending on the type of crimping tool you have. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for the specific crimping tool being used. Whether it's a manual, hydraulic, or battery-powered tool, use the correct technique to achieve proper compression and a secure connection.

7.3. Perform Leak Tests

After crimping the PEX connections, it is essential to perform leak tests to ensure the integrity of the plumbing system. Fill the system with water or pressurized air and carefully inspect all the connections for any signs of leakage. Performing leak tests before concealing the plumbing ensures any issues can be identified and addressed before they cause further damage.

7.4. Follow Manufacturer's Guidelines

Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations specific to the PEX crimping tool, crimp rings, fittings, and PEX tubing being used. Different manufacturers may have specific requirements for their products, including crimping pressures, tool compatibility, and temperature limitations. Adhering to these guidelines ensures optimal performance and reliability of the connections.

Additional Tips:

  • Select high-quality crimp rings and fittings from reputable manufacturers to ensure compatibility and reliability.
  • Avoid over-crimping or under-crimping the connections, as this can lead to leaks or weak joints. Follow the recommended crimping pressures and methods.
  • Consider investing in a crimp gauge tool to verify the proper compression of the crimp rings.
  • Inspect the connections visually to ensure the crimp rings are fully deformed and evenly compressed around the PEX tubing.
  • Keep a record of the crimping process, including the crimping tool used, crimp ring size, and any other relevant details for future reference or maintenance purposes.

By following these tips and best practices, you can enhance your PEX crimping skills and achieve secure and reliable connections in your plumbing system. Remember, proper preparation, adherence to guidelines, and thorough testing are key to successful PEX crimping.

A person holding a crimping tool
A person holding a crimping tool


Selecting the right PEX crimping tool is crucial for achieving secure and reliable connections in your plumbing projects. Understanding the crimping process, including the components involved such as PEX tubing, crimp rings, and fittings, sets the foundation for successful installations.

We discussed the importance of using the right tool for the job and explored various types of PEX crimping tools available, including manual, hydraulic, battery-powered, and crimping tool kits. Each type offers its own advantages, so it's essential to consider factors such as size compatibility, durability, ease of use, cost, and additional features when making your selection.

We provided a step-by-step guide on how to crimp PEX tubing, emphasizing the importance of proper pipe preparation, using the correct crimping method, performing leak tests, and following the manufacturer's guidelines. These tips and best practices will help ensure secure connections and minimize the risk of leaks or plumbing failures.

Remember, investing in a high-quality and suitable crimping tool is a wise choice that will pay off in the long run. It ensures proper compression, leak prevention, and efficient installations. By following the recommended practices and guidelines, you can achieve reliable and long-lasting PEX connections in your plumbing system.

Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional plumber, taking the time to understand and choose the right PEX crimping tool is essential for the success of your plumbing projects. Now armed with this knowledge, you can confidently embark on your PEX crimping journey and enjoy the benefits of a secure and efficient plumbing system.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What tool do you use to crimp PEX?

The primary tool used to crimp PEX is a specialized PEX crimping tool. It applies pressure to compress a metal crimp ring onto the PEX tubing and fitting, creating a secure connection.

Are all PEX crimping tools the same?

No, there are different types of PEX crimping tools available, including manual, hydraulic, and battery-powered options. Each type has its own features, advantages, and suitability for specific plumbing projects.

Can I use any crimping tool for PEX connections?

It's important to use a crimping tool specifically designed for PEX connections. Using the correct tool ensures proper compression and reliable connections. Using an incompatible tool may result in weak connections or leaks.