When it comes to plumbing systems, ensuring reliable and secure connections is of utmost importance. PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) tubing has gained popularity as a flexible and durable alternative to traditional plumbing materials. But how do you achieve those connections? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of PEX connections, exploring the different methods, their advantages, and considerations for choosing the right approach.

Differences between pex connections and pex clamp. Watch this wonderful video

The Basics of PEX Connections

PEX connections involve joining PEX tubing to fittings to create watertight seals. There are two primary methods used for PEX connections: crimping and clamping.

Crimping Method

Crimping involves using a specialized crimping tool to compress a metal ring, commonly known as a crimp ring or cinch clamp, around the PEX tubing and fitting. The crimp ring applies even pressure, creating a secure connection that can withstand high water pressure and temperature fluctuations.

Clamping Method

The clamping method, also known as the clamp ring or pinch clamp method, utilizes a stainless-steel clamp that is positioned over the PEX tubing and fitting. The clamp is tightened using a clamp tool,

PEX Clamping pliers and a clamped pipe
PEX Clamping pliers and a clamped pipe

Crimping vs. Clamping: Pros and Cons

When it comes to PEX connections, the two primary methods are crimping and clamping. Each method has its own set of advantages and considerations. Let's explore the pros and cons of crimping and clamping in more detail:

Crimping Method

Pros of Crimping:

  1. Reliable and Secure Connections: Crimping provides reliable and secure connections that are resistant to leaks. The even compression of the crimp ring ensures a tight seal, making it a popular choice for professional plumbers.
  2. Wide Availability of Tools: Crimping tools and accessories are widely available in the market. You can easily find a variety of crimping tools, crimp rings, and compatible fittings, making it convenient to obtain the necessary components for your project.
  3. Suitable for Various PEX Tubing Sizes: Crimping can accommodate different sizes of PEX tubing, making it versatile for a wide range of plumbing applications. Whether you're working with 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, or 1-inch PEX tubing, there are crimping tools and rings available to meet your needs.
  4. Compatibility and Versatility: Crimping is compatible with various fittings and applications, including brass or poly-alloy fittings, and it can be used in both residential and commercial plumbing systems. It offers flexibility and adaptability for different project requirements.

Cons of Crimping:

  1. Requires a Dedicated Crimping Tool: Crimping requires the use of a dedicated crimping tool, which adds an initial cost if you don't already have one. However, investing in a high-quality crimping tool can provide long-term value and reliability.
  2. Proper Tool Positioning and Pressure: Achieving proper crimping requires correct tool positioning and applying the appropriate amount of pressure. Inadequate pressure or incorrect tool positioning can result in weak connections or potential leaks.
  3. Effort for Larger Projects: Crimping can be more labor-intensive for larger projects that involve numerous connections. Squeezing the handles of the crimping tool multiple times can require more effort compared to other methods, such as clamping.
  4. Compatibility Considerations: Ensuring compatibility between crimp rings, tools, and fittings is essential. Different manufacturers may have variations in crimp ring sizes or tool designs, so it's important to check compatibility to ensure proper connections.

Clamping Method

Pros of Clamping:

  1. No Special Tool Required: Clamping doesn't require a dedicated crimping tool. Stainless-steel clamps and clamp tools are readily available and can be easily obtained from plumbing supply stores or online retailers.
  2. Ease of Use: Clamping is generally easier to learn and use, especially for beginners or DIY enthusiasts. The process involves positioning the clamp over the tubing and fitting, and tightening it with a clamp tool. This simplicity makes it accessible to a wider range of users.
  3. Suitable for Smaller Projects and Repairs: Clamping is particularly useful for smaller-scale projects or repairs. If you have a few connections to make or need to fix a minor issue, clamping can be a quick and effective solution.
  4. Flexibility with Different Clamp Brands: Clamping is generally more flexible when it comes to using different clamp brands. As long as the clamp size matches the tubing, you can use clamps from various manufacturers interchangeably.

Cons of Clamping:

  1. Availability of Clamps: While clamps are widely available, the range of sizes and brands may vary depending on your location. Ensure that the appropriate clamp sizes are readily accessible before opting for the clamping method.
  2. Precise Positioning and Tightening: Achieving a secure connection with clamping requires precise positioning and tightening of the clamp. It's important to ensure that the clamp is correctly aligned and tightened to the manufacturer's specifications to prevent leaks or weak connections.
  3. Limitations for Larger Projects or Higher Pressures: Clamping may have limitations when it comes to larger projects or higher water pressures. It is important to consult plumbing codes and regulations to determine whether clamping is suitable for your specific application.
  4. Compatibility Considerations: Like crimping, compatibility is a crucial aspect of clamping. Ensure that the clamp sizes and tools you use are compatible and approved for the specific PEX tubing and fittings you are working with.

Understanding the pros and cons of crimping and clamping methods will help you make an informed decision based on your project requirements, preferences, and available resources. Consider factors such as project scale, tools availability, code compliance, and personal familiarity when choosing the most suitable method.

A person crimping and clamping a filter
A person crimping and clamping a filter

Is it Better to Crimp PEX? Exploring the Benefits

When it comes to PEX connections, crimping is a popular method used by professional plumbers and DIY enthusiasts alike. Let's explore the benefits of crimping PEX tubing and why it may be the preferred choice for many:

1. Reliable and Secure Connections

Crimping provides reliable and secure connections that are resistant to leaks. The even compression of the crimp ring onto the PEX tubing and fitting creates a tight seal, ensuring a long-lasting and watertight connection. This reliability is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your plumbing system and preventing costly water damage.

2. Wide Availability of Tools and Accessories

Crimping tools and accessories are readily available in the market, making it convenient to obtain the necessary components for your project. You can easily find a variety of crimping tools, crimp rings, and compatible fittings from reputable manufacturers. This availability ensures that you have access to the right tools and accessories to achieve proper and reliable crimp connections.

3. Suitable for Various PEX Tubing Sizes

Crimping is compatible with various PEX tubing sizes, ranging from 1/2 inch to 1 inch and beyond. This versatility allows you to use crimping methods for a wide range of plumbing applications, whether it's a small residential project or a larger commercial installation. Having the flexibility to work with different PEX tubing sizes makes crimping a versatile choice.

4. Compatibility with Various Fittings and Applications

Crimping is compatible with a wide range of fittings and applications, including brass or poly-alloy fittings. This compatibility allows you to use crimping methods in various plumbing systems, ensuring consistency and ease of installation. Whether you're working on a new construction project, a renovation, or a repair, crimping offers the flexibility to work with different fitting types and materials.

5. Industry-Recognized Method

Crimping is an industry-recognized method for PEX connections and is widely accepted by plumbing codes and regulations. This recognition provides assurance that crimping is a proven and reliable technique for creating secure connections. Adhering to industry standards and guidelines ensures compliance and peace of mind, knowing that your PEX connections meet the required quality and safety standards.

6. Professional-Grade Results

Crimping offers professional-grade results that are achieved through the use of dedicated crimping tools and proper techniques. With the right crimping tool, you can achieve consistent and precise compression, resulting in uniform and secure connections. This professional-grade quality ensures that your plumbing system operates efficiently and reliably, reducing the risk of future issues.

Considering these benefits, it becomes evident why crimping is a popular and trusted method for PEX connections. Its reliability, wide availability of tools and accessories, versatility, compatibility, industry recognition, and professional-grade results make crimping a preferred choice for many plumbers and homeowners.

Electrician using a wire crimping tool
Electrician using a wire crimping tool

Is it Better to Clamp PEX? Examining the Advantages

When it comes to PEX connections, clamping is an alternative method to crimping. While crimping is widely used and offers several benefits, clamping also has its own advantages. Let's explore the advantages of clamping PEX tubing and why it may be a suitable choice for certain situations:

1. No Special Tool Required

One of the main advantages of clamping is that it doesn't require a dedicated crimping tool. Instead, stainless-steel clamps and a clamp tool are used to secure the PEX tubing to the fittings. This eliminates the need for purchasing or renting a specific crimping tool, making clamping a cost-effective option, especially for occasional or small-scale plumbing projects.

2. Ease of Use and Accessibility

Clamping is generally easier to learn and use, making it accessible to a wider range of users, including DIY enthusiasts and homeowners. The process involves positioning the clamp over the PEX tubing and fitting and using a clamp tool to tighten it. This simplicity makes it a popular choice for individuals who may not have experience with professional plumbing tools or techniques.

3. Suitable for Smaller Projects and Repairs

Clamping is particularly useful for smaller-scale projects or repairs. If you have a few connections to make or need to fix a minor issue, clamping can be a quick and effective solution. Its simplicity and ease of use make it a convenient method for simple repairs or installations where the cost or effort of using a crimping tool may not be necessary.

4. Flexibility with Different Clamp Brands

Clamping offers more flexibility when it comes to using different clamp brands. As long as the clamp size matches the PEX tubing diameter, you can use clamps from various manufacturers interchangeably. This versatility can be beneficial if you have limited access to specific clamp brands or if you prefer to use clamps from different manufacturers for a particular project.

5. Less Equipment Investment

Since clamping doesn't require a dedicated crimping tool, there is less equipment investment involved. If you already have a clamp tool or can easily acquire one, you can start clamping PEX connections without the additional expense of purchasing or renting a crimping tool. This can be advantageous if you're on a tight budget or if you're working on a one-time project.

It's important to note that while clamping offers these advantages, it also has some considerations. It may have limitations for larger projects or higher water pressures, and precise positioning and tightening of the clamp are crucial for creating secure connections. Therefore, it's essential to assess your specific project requirements and consult plumbing codes and regulations to determine if clamping is suitable.

Clamp tabing to make a secure connection
Clamp tabing to make a secure connection

Factors to Consider: Choosing Between Crimping and Clamping

When deciding between crimping and clamping methods for your PEX connections, several factors come into play. Evaluating these factors will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your project requirements and preferences. Let's explore the key factors to consider:

5.1. Project Scale and Complexity

Consider the scale and complexity of your plumbing project. For larger projects with numerous connections, crimping may be more efficient due to the speed and consistency it offers. Crimping allows for quicker installation with its dedicated tools, making it suitable for projects with high connection volumes. On the other hand, for smaller projects or simple repairs, clamping may be sufficient and more cost-effective.

5.2. Tools and Equipment Availability

Assess the availability of tools and equipment in your area. Crimping requires a dedicated crimping tool, and ensuring its availability is crucial. Consider whether you can easily rent or purchase the required crimping tool and accessories. On the other hand, clamping requires stainless-steel clamps and a clamp tool, which are generally more accessible and can be found at most plumbing supply stores.

5.3. Code Compliance and Regulations

Review the plumbing codes and regulations in your region. Different jurisdictions may have specific requirements or restrictions regarding the acceptable methods for PEX connections. Ensure that your chosen method, whether crimping or clamping, complies with the local codes and regulations. It's important to prioritize safety, compliance, and adherence to standards when making your decision.

5.4. Personal Preference and Familiarity

Consider your personal preference and familiarity with the methods. If you have previous experience or are more comfortable with one method over the other, that may influence your decision. Consider the learning curve associated with each method and your comfort level in using the required tools. Your familiarity with a specific method may contribute to more efficient and successful installations.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that suits your project requirements, budget, and personal comfort. Remember that the choice between crimping and clamping is not one-size-fits-all. It's essential to assess each factor in relation to your specific project to determine the most suitable method.

clamping a flexible dryer vent hose with a steel duct clamp
clamping a flexible dryer vent hose with a steel duct clamp

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Crimp PEX Tubing

Crimping PEX tubing is a straightforward process when you have the right tools and follow the correct steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you crimp PEX tubing effectively:

6.1. Gather the Required Materials

Before starting the crimping process, gather all the necessary materials and tools. This includes PEX tubing, crimp rings, fittings, a measuring tape, a PEX cutting tool, and the appropriate crimping tool based on the size of your PEX tubing.

6.2. Measure and Cut PEX Tubing

Measure the required length of PEX tubing for your plumbing project using a measuring tape. Use a PEX cutting tool to make a clean, square cut at the measured point. Ensure the tubing end is free from any burrs or debris.

6.3. Slide the Crimp Ring onto the Tubing

Slide a crimp ring onto the end of the PEX tubing. Make sure the crimp ring is positioned close to the end, allowing space for the fitting to be inserted.

6.4. Insert the Fitting into the Tubing

Insert the fitting into the open end of the PEX tubing until it reaches the marked insertion point. Ensure the fitting is fully inserted, creating a tight connection.

6.5. Position the Crimping Tool

Position the crimping tool over the crimp ring, aligning it correctly. Ensure the jaws of the tool are centered over the crimp ring and that the tool is perpendicular to the tubing.

6.6. Crimp the Ring onto the Tubing

Squeeze the handles of the crimping tool firmly and completely to compress the crimp ring onto the PEX tubing. Apply steady pressure until the tool handles are fully closed.

6.7. Inspect the Connection

Release the handles of the crimping tool to remove it from the crimped ring. Inspect the crimped connection to ensure it is properly compressed. The crimp ring should be visibly deformed around the tubing, providing a secure and leak-free connection.

Repeat the above steps for each PEX connection required in your plumbing system. Remember to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations specific to your crimping tool and PEX system.

A plumber crimping a plastic tubing to a copper pipe
A plumber crimping a plastic tubing to a copper pipe

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Clamp PEX Tubing

Clamping PEX tubing is an alternative method to crimping that provides secure connections. Follow these step-by-step instructions to clamp PEX tubing effectively:

7.1. Gather the Required Materials

Collect all the necessary materials and tools for clamping PEX tubing. This includes PEX tubing, stainless-steel clamps, fittings, a measuring tape, a PEX cutting tool, and a clamp tool designed for the specific clamp size.

7.2. Measure and Cut PEX Tubing

Measure the required length of PEX tubing for your plumbing project using a measuring tape. Use a PEX cutting tool to make a clean, square cut at the measured point. Ensure the tubing end is free from any burrs or debris.

7.3. Slide the Clamp onto the Tubing

Slide a stainless-steel clamp onto the open end of the PEX tubing. Position the clamp approximately 1/4 inch away from the end to allow space for the fitting to be inserted.

7.4. Insert the Fitting into the Tubing

Insert the fitting into the open end of the PEX tubing until it reaches the marked insertion point. Ensure the fitting is fully inserted and securely seated within the tubing.

7.5. Position the Clamp Tool

Position the appropriate clamp tool over the stainless-steel clamp. Ensure the tool is centered over the clamp and aligned properly with the tubing.

7.6. Tighten the Clamp onto the Tubing

Using the clamp tool, tighten the stainless-steel clamp firmly until it securely compresses the PEX tubing onto the fitting. Apply steady pressure, making sure the clamp is evenly tightened around the tubing.

7.7. Inspect the Connection

Release the clamp tool to remove it from the clamped area. Inspect the clamped connection to ensure it is securely fastened. The clamp should be tightly wrapped around the tubing, providing a reliable and leak-free connection.

Repeat the above steps for each PEX connection required in your plumbing system. Adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations specific to the clamp tool and PEX system you are using.

Well clamped water pipe
Well clamped water pipe


Understanding the different methods of PEX tubing connections, such as crimping and clamping, is crucial for successful plumbing projects. Both methods offer their own advantages and considerations.

Crimping provides reliable and secure connections, wide availability of tools, compatibility with various tubing sizes and fittings, and industry recognition. It is a preferred choice for larger projects and when consistent and professional-grade results are desired.

On the other hand, clamping offers simplicity, ease of use, cost-effectiveness for smaller projects or repairs, flexibility with different clamp brands, and accessibility without the need for a dedicated crimping tool.

When choosing between crimping and clamping, consider factors such as the scale and complexity of your project, availability of tools and equipment, code compliance, and personal preference and familiarity. Assessing these factors will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific requirements and preferences.

Remember to follow the step-by-step guides provided for both crimping and clamping methods, ensuring proper techniques and adherence to manufacturer's guidelines. This will help you achieve secure and leak-free connections in your PEX plumbing system.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, consult plumbing professionals or refer to specific manufacturer's instructions. With the right approach and attention to detail, you can confidently complete your PEX tubing connections and enjoy the benefits of a reliable and efficient plumbing system.

Happy crimping or clamping!

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Is it better to crimp or clamp PEX?

The choice depends on various factors. Crimping offers reliable connections, wide availability of tools, and compatibility with different sizes. Clamping is simpler and requires no specialized tool. Consider project scale, familiarity, and other factors to make the right decision.

Are crimped connections stronger than clamped connections?

Both methods can create strong and reliable connections when done correctly. Crimping provides even compression for a tight seal, while clamping offers secure connections with the right clamp size and proper tightening. The key is following manufacturer guidelines and ensuring proper installation.

Which method is more cost-effective for PEX connections?

Clamping is generally more cost-effective for smaller projects or repairs since it doesn't require a dedicated crimping tool. However, for larger projects, the initial investment in crimping tools may be offset by its efficiency. Consider the project scale and frequency to determine the cost-effectiveness.